Dog Trainer Membership 

We have 3 ways of applying for Dog Trainer membership:

1. We invite direct applicatons from candidates who have already been assessd and approved for ABTC ATI. Acceptance of a direct application for Dog Trainer Membership will be subject to evidence of your previous assessment and a "Get-to-know-you" interview. Please complete the Dog Trainer (ATI Already Assessed) application form at the bottom of this page.

2. If you already have an ABTC recognised ATI course qualification you will be able to go directly to Stage 3 practical assessment. You will first need to apply to become a student member of TCBTS and then we can arrange the practical details. Please visit Student Membership page to apply.

3. We invite other applicants to apply via our 3 stage assessment process.

 Applications are welcomed from established dog training instructors, who have successfully trained and instructed a significant range of dog breeds and their owners. 

Please read ABTC ATI Standard  and Am I ready for assessment? before applying.

If you think you are ready, please fill in and submit the Application for Dog Trainer Assessment (found at the bottom of this page). If approved you will receive an invoice of £200 for the Stage 1 written assessment plus £75 membership fee (please note this fee is pro-rata depending on when you join), once payment has been received you will receive your written assessment pack.

Stage 1 Written Assessment

This assessment consists of questions and scenarios designed to elicit information to meet ABTC Knowledge and Understanding Criteria.  The written assessment includes clear details on how the assessment process is handled and information on what to submit.

When filling in the assessment you will also need to provide us with: 

  • Risk assessment for your training venue - this must also include risks associated with dog training
  • Class booking form
  • Relevant client handouts/homework sheets etc
  • Lesson plans for one of your training courses.
  • 12 months of CPD (the hours and what was learned/reflection and how you’ve put this information to use)
  • Post course evaluation form (if applicable)
  • An anonymised copy of a training record that covers at least 2 training sessions

We supply a tick off sheet to ensure you remember to attach everything. You will need to return the pack within 6 weeks. 

Once your completed assessment is received, it will be assessed independently by two assessors. It is not expected that all K & U will be fully met at this stage but in order to proceed to Stage 2, you need to have met 80%.

Stage 2

Final evidence will be gathered either via a short remote interview or by you submitting a specific piece of written work. To proceed to Stage 3 practical assessment all 30 of the ABTC ATI Knowledge and Understanding must be fully met.

If we feel that you are not ready to proceed to the practical assessment, you will join our organisation as a student member while gaining further experience and knowledge. Please be aware that the assessment fee and membership fee is non-refundable. 

Stage 3 Practical & post practical discussion

If you are deemed ready to proceed to Stage 3 practical assessment, you can then book onto one of our assessment days or submit a video for assessment.

To confirm this booking, you will need to pay the final £200. You will have 2 years from passing Stages 1 & 2 to take/submit your practical.

The inperson practical assessment will be held indoors and you will be required to teach a 30 minute lesson to 4 owners and their dog's a selection of the following exercises:
  • Down
  • Leave
  • Loose lead walking
  • How to play with your dog
  • Not jumping up
  • Wait or stay

Three weeks prior to your assessment, you will be given information regarding the dogs and handlers in the class, age of dog, breed, sex, general ability etc and which specific 3 exercises you will be required to teach. This will allow you to prepare a lesson plan for all 3 exercises outlining realistic targets and outcomes of training which must be submitted to us at least 2 weeks prior to assessment.

The class will be of mixed ability. The class will be observed by two assessors, after which there will be a break followed by a post practical discussion. In order to be successful all of the ABTC ATI Performance Criteria (PC) need to be fully met. 

Alternative Video Submission for Practical Assessment.

If you are unable to attend a practical assessment day, there is the option to submit video evidence of the 3 exercises required within a class situation.

Video footage should be approximately 30 minutes in total (a maximum of 40 minutes), with a real-life group, as opposed to social media filming and must be in landscape view.

Assessors will need to see the whole room, see and hear you highlighting any risk factors prior to commencement of the class (for example, trip hazards, stairs leading into or outside the building) Please ensure that whoever is filming is able to follow you around as you do this and that you can clearly be heard highlighting these risks.

We also need to see you to give health and safety concerns to the group (toilets, fire escape, trip hazards etc) and explain each exercise to the group.

There will need to be video footage of the group’s reactions while listening and watching you teach, including the group’s reactions while listening and watching any demonstrations you give.

We need to see you coaching the group through the exercises but video footage must include some close-up work of you helping individual clients and the footage must be continuous and unedited from start to finish.

Please ensure that you assess everyone’s (including dogs) baseline ability for each of the exercises, so you can progress them as appropriate.

The video is your responsibility and if either the sound or visual aspect is of insufficient quality to enable assessment, you may be asked to re-submit.

We suggest that you explain clearly in advance to your camera person on what needs to be captured (we suggest testing this out prior to sending your footage so you know the quality is sufficient)

If you are successful you will become a Full TCBTS Dog Trainer Member and be listed as on the ABTC ATI register (for which there is an additional £16 annual fee)

The annual fee for Full Dog Trainer Membership is £75.

Only full dog trainer members are entitled to use “TCBTS ATI” after their names. Use of “TCBTS“ is personal to them, must only be linked directly with the member’s name and cannot be used by any other organisation of which that TCBTS member is a part.

All TCBTS Dog Training Members must carry professional indemnity and third party insurance. 

All TCBTS Members must comply with the TCBTS Code of Practice.

Membership Application Forms

Application For Dog Trainer Assessment

Dog Trainer (Already ATI Assessed)
